Sunday, April 25, 2010


I just heard of the term Jejemon just yesterday while I was swimming with my friend Ryan. He explained to me that it is spreading like wild fire over the net and I was too late to notice it because I don't have a Facebook account. Well for those of you who's still socially disconnected, Jejemons are people who likes to add letters to a simple word giving it more flair (for them). A sample of this is "Mztah na f0e kyu~", which literally means How are you? (Kamusta na po kayo?). Reading this not only hurts your eyes but makes your brain bleed as well.

Jejemon by

"Usually seen around social networking sites such as Friendster and Multiply, jejemons are individuals with low IQs who spread around their idiocy on the web by tYpFing LyK diZS jejejeje, making all people viewing their profile raise their eyebrows out of annoyance. Normal people like you and me must take a Bachelor of Arts in Jejetyping in order to understand said individuals, as deciphering their text would cause a lot of frustration and hair pulling."

I actually encountered this waaaay back when I was playing my favorite MMORPG, RF Online, and being active in its Official Forum Threads. The first Jejemon term, and I think one of the most common, I saw was using "lolz" not just as a chat acronym but a profanity or a retort to a disagreeable statement (Ulol).

Sample RF All Chat.
[8Knot]CharacterName1: Weak ka ungas!
[8Knot]CharacterName2: loLzzZzZ m0!

Then it became a commonly forwarded email joke, attaching funny Friendster chats/profiles

Jejemon is now considered as a virus, infecting Facebook and Twitter, causing havoc and distress among educated community. There is actually a Facebook fan page regarding Anti-Jejemons.

After posting this blog, me wantzz to keels$s sum J3j3monzz... jejejeje...

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